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...states that once all the Red and Pink are gone, you can go ahead and eat the Yellow and Orange. Why don't they just make ALL of them in either Red, or Orange? Sounds like a plan to me!
0 Comments - Add A Comment ...states that once all the Red and Pink are gone, you can go ahead and eat the Yellow and Orange. Why don't they just make ALL of them in either Red, or Orange? Sounds like a plan to me!
0 Comments - Add A Comment I've made some changes to Orange bike. No more shared wheels, Orange bike now has its own dedicated, full time wheelset. Its also much lighter than my other set of wheels, which is great. The new wheels have new tires, 2.5" Maxxis park tires. These tires are twice as wide as my older 2.0" slicks. Go figure. So I should be getting much better traction in the parks these days, and with the drop in weight, I should be able to get that much better air. Plus the new wheels just have one cog on them. Thats right, no more casette, Orange bike is now a full time, honest to goodness single speed. Running at 32t-17t for anyone interested. Its a perfect ratio for skate parks. Also JRA has my gyro so bar spins just might be in my near future!!!
0 Comments - Add A Comment Since they don't make Gyro's for thick, Aluminum mountain bikes, I had to make some modifications to the kit. That included cutting with a dremel, then pounding with a hammer, then finally welding it back together, as seen below. Note the towel I used to cover my seat. It caught on fire and burned my seat anyway. Oh well.
2 Comments - Add A Comment What's the fastest way to rip ~300 CDs? Is it one of those ridiculously over-priced robotic CD arms that loads a spool of CDs into a single CD ROM drive one at a time? Only if you are a fool. I have a better tool for the job. Rip 7 at once. Rip them as raw audio files at the Drive's maximum speeds. Then as a separate independent parallel process, encode the ripped audio into compressed formats (.mp3 or .m4a etc).
This awesome Drive Tower of mine started it's life as a Power Tower Pro with 2 CD Rom drives in it. Once I discovered a method for ripping from all drives at once, I filled it out to 4 CD Drives. I wanted more, so I took an old PC Tower and removed the metal caging for it's 3 optical drives and riveted it into the Power Tower Pro , so it had all 7 CD Rom Drives. This was all good and swell, but the Power Tower Pro case is a really ugly tower, and it's really not made to be moved easily. Plus its way too huge. Thats when one of my old Blue & White G3's caught my eye. Its much smaller, and has these great built in handles so I can move it around really easily. So I got to cutting again, followed by some more riveting :-) And when I was done, I had this crazy CD Ripping machine. BTW, no, I don't have a ton of CDs, I do CD Ripping and iPod Loading for customers. And no, they aren't just lazy people. Some people have a life and don't have time to sit in front of their computer all day. Luckily I'm not one of those people ;-) 0 Comments - Add A Comment So Wednesday I was driving up on RT 95 heading to Rye Airfield, and I didn't even realize, I almost went back in time! Fortunately for me, the Flux Capacitor in my RX-8 has an On/Off switch. Christopher Lloyd is such an Idiot!
What's this you say, why is my Engine light on? Simple. Don't Worry About It! 0 Comments - Add A Comment So technically its an Oryg not a Gyro. Anyway, the important part is that its made for a BMX bike and rim brakes. But with lots of cutting, welding, and half-assing, I got it to work on my Kona mountain bike, with mechanical disc brakes. How fucking sweet is this! It really works too. I can't wait to bring it to Rye Wednesday to really work it out. Oh I also put a new BB on there since my old brand new one from like 2 months ago disintegrated on me!
0 Comments - Add A Comment This is pretty neat. 3 pictures from my cell phone joined together in Photoshop. Beaver Lake, Derry, NH. Still frozen but it won't be long now. Time to clean the boat :-)
March 2007 Archives