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I got this check today, to pay for a set of $650 snow tires on craigslist. Friggin scammers. The guy was pissed when I told him I knew the check was fake. Very amusing.
0 Comments - Add A Comment I got this check today, to pay for a set of $650 snow tires on craigslist. Friggin scammers. The guy was pissed when I told him I knew the check was fake. Very amusing.
7 Comments - Add A Comment Look what I got! It's been a long time, and I'm selling as much on Craigslist as I ever have been. But scammers have gotten so lazy, they don't even send the fake payments any more. It's been a few years since I've received a fake money order from a scammer. But I got a fresh one today! It's for $2180. The thing is, I've been on vacation for a week. And before that, I did have some communication with a few scammers, but I always report their emails to their ISP. So, their account is likely closed, which is why I haven't heard from them. So in short, I have no idea what this money order is even supposed to be for. Not that it matters. Another money order to add to the collection. I hate scammers.
0 Comments - Add A Comment A picture of my new workspace. Notice how I have room for my primary computer work on the front side of the desk. But there's also room for things like taking apart and testing computers on the side of the desk. And theres all sorts of filing space. And best of all, theres plenty of extra space all the way around my monitors. So upgrading to much bigger screens will not be a problem. Me likey.
0 Comments - Add A Comment http://www.baldknobmarina.com
Ok so. If you can't think of a creative name for a business, two of the defaults are to name it after the town you're in (i.e. Stoneham Ford) or name it after the street your on (i.e. Main Street Ford). But if your business is on a street like this, wellllllll maybe you should put a little more effort into coming up with something creative. 0 Comments - Add A Comment Train's can't do steep hills. So the bridge to get up over the river and into NYC is super long. And pretty tall too. It was more dramatic in person.
0 Comments - Add A Comment I saw these two "signs" (if you want to call them that) on a telephone pole in Baltimore. It cracked me up. One of those signs was put up with the other one already there. They really should call each other.
0 Comments - Add A Comment It used to be that when I tricked a scammer into sending me a fake money order, they'd send me one impressive forgery. Now adays, the junk they send is such low quality crap. Even if your job is being a useless piece of shit, the metaphorical asshole of society, you should still take some pride in your work. This fake payment looks so bad in person, it's about as bad as the incredibly lazy paypal emails they send.
1 Comment - Add A Comment I'm not 100% sure. But I am like 95% sure. ...that this is my favorite youtube video, ever. Ever ever ever. And that includes all the video I'm in on there.
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